Seminario: Unveiling HIV-1 friends and foes through whole genome and proteome interrogation
El viernes 15 de septiembre tendrá lugar un seminario realizado por el GIR de Trypanosomiasis, Resistencia a Antibióticos y Medicina Animal. Este seminario será impartido por el Gilberto José Betancor Quintana, Dr. en biología en Biología.
El titulo del seminario es ¨Unveiling HIV-1 friends and foes through whole genome and proteome interrogation¨, el resumen sobre el contenido del seminario es el siguiente: Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is a major threat to human health. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes that underpin virus replication, the pathological consequences of infection, and the host responses to infection provides the platform from which diagnostics are developed, disease outcomes can be predicted and treated, transmission controlled, antiviral therapeutics developed, and vaccines designed. Unbiased functional screening offers much scope for making (often unanticipated) conceptual advances. In the past we have used such approaches for the identification of cellular partners, and post-translational modification of the HIV-1 inhibitory factor MX2. Now, we aim to apply these technologies again, specifically stable isotope labelling by amino acids (SILAC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and CRISPR/Cas9 pool screens, for the identification of cellular proteins involved in the modulation of HIV-1 infection. Preliminary results emanated from the SILAC-MS/MS analysis of HIV-1 capsid interactors highlight the potency of these methods and provide important information to better understand the complex interplay by which viruses and cells regulate each other functions.
Detalles del seminario
Día: 15/09/2023
Hora: 12:30
Duración: 1 hora
Ubicación: Salón de Actos del Edificio Departamental (IUIBS) Planta 0 Norte
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