Advanced Confocal and Electron Microscopy Services (Simace)

The Advanced Confocal and Electron Microscopy Service (SIMACE) is a service attached to the General Research Services of the ULPGC and the iUIBS (University Institute of Biomedical and Healthcare Research).
The aim of this Service is to provide technological support to research groups from the ULPGC, from public and private bodies (Hospital Centres) and from island and national companies, as well as to collaborate with teaching staff in the university disciplines which, by their nature, require that support.
Currently, the Service has a Confocal Microscope and a Transmission Electron Microscope, enabling observation and study of biological samples of animals and vegetation, as well as the ultrastructure of minerals.
With the arrival in the Service of the new Equipment for Confocal Microscopy, research scientists are introduced to the field of advanced fluorescence microscopy with image acquisition and data analysis using state of the art software.
All of this means that research scientists have two sets of complementary equipment available to them, which are high technology and for direct use in the various lines of research of the University Institutes, the Research Centres and the Research groups of the different ULPGC Faculties.